Kidney stones (calculi) symptoms and Home remedies
Kidney stones (calculi) may occur .anywhere in the kidneys or ureters and are the result of the crystallization of various substances in the urine, often when the body is dehydrated, causing the urine to be more concentrated. Dehydration alone, however, will not cause the formation
of stones, and there is usually some other factor involved, such as kidney disease, infection, a bodily disturbance, or certain drugs. Most stones are combinations of calcium,magnesium, phosphorus, and oxalate. Collections of small kidney stones are known as “gravel,” while much larger ones are called “staghorn” calculi. The most common types of stones contain various combinations of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, or oxalate. Up to 80 percent of stones are formed mainly of calcium. Kidney stones affect approximately 1 in 1,000 Americans—an estimated 10 percent of U.S. men and
3 percent of U.S. women. Most common in the south-eastern U.S., known as the “stone belt.”
Less common types are due to inherited disorders characterized by excretion of abnormal amounts of
cystine or xanthine. Recurrence of most stones can be prevented by therapy based on analysis of the stones, the urine, and the blood. Kidney stones range in size from less than 2/10in. (5mm.) to over 1in. (2.5cm.) in diameter. They tend to run in families, and four out of every five patients with kidney stones are male, usually between the ages of 20 and 30.Differences in dietary and fluid intake may put certain people at higher risk for kidney stones.
• if a stone is lodged in the ureter it may cause agonizing
pain—ureteric colic—through muscle contractions; the
pain may spread to the lower abdomen and the groin
often there is blood in the urine
• if stones cause blockage of the urinary tract, this can
cause serious damage to kidney function
Chinese Herbalism
Herbs which may help with correcting Kidney deficiency
include ginseng, water plantain, poria, cinnamon twigs,
and ephedra.
Traditional Home and Folk Remedies
Include 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in your diet
each day.
Fresh lemon juice, drunk in a little hot water every
morning, will help to flush the kidneys and break down
kidney stones.
Herbs that can be used to dissolve the stones include
celery seed, gravel root, parsley, and stone root. Sip a
decoction three times daily.
During an acute attack, try infusions of corn silk,
coughgrass, or yarrow.
Oils used to treat kidney stones include fennel, geranium,
juniper, and lemon. These can be added to a light carrier
oil and massaged into the bladder area, or used in the bath.
Treatment would be constitutional, but the following
remedies may be useful for up to 10 doses:
• Tabacum, for pains shooting to the urethra, causing
nausea and cold sweat.
• Nux vomica, for right-sided pain, causing nausea
and vomiting, an urgent need to empty the bowels,
accompanied by weak urine flow and irritability.
• Berberis, for stitching pain in the lower ribs and hips
when urinating, which worsens if moving about.
• Lycopodium, for pain in the right side which stops at
the bladder, and which is worse between 4 and 8p.m.
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